The nadis and cakras are important for ritual, meditation and for channeling the flow of energy/prana and for spiritual practises; kriya, cakra meditation. As we have looked at throughout the Discover Yogic Anatomy intensive at the Krishnamachrya Yoga Mandiram the spine, the mehra danda, is central to the yoga on the physical, esoteric and spiritual perspective.
Nadis - Na = to move
The Nadis are very subtle/conceptual we can't see or feel them. There are several theories on the number of nadis in the body, some say 72,000, some 72,000 on each side of body, some 101 each with 101. But whats important is that the nadis are symbolic of how prana is transmitted around the body.
14 main Nadis (Texts vary but the nadis originate around the abdomen /mulha dhara region and they each branch off from there).
Susumna (runs along the mehradanda - most important Nadi)
Sarasvati - tongue
Pusa - right eye
Gandhari - left eye
Sankhini - left ear
Tapasvini - right ear
Vismodasa - mid stomach
Alabusa & Kuhu - genitals
Hastijhva - right big toe
Yalasvinu - left big toe
Three most important nadis are Sushumna, Ida and Pingala:
Sushumna (HYP Chapter 3 verse 4 sometimes referred to as Brahma nadi, central path, burning ground etc)-the central column where energy is channeled. The majority of the texts state that it runs inside the spinal cord, from a western perspective the spinal cord runs to the brain and from the cocyx to the top of the spine. Sushumna is believed to have three finer nadis running within it:
Vajrini / Vajra
Citrini / Citra
Brahmanadi - path to brahma, top of the head is known as the brahmandhara - the opening of the brahma - it corresponds to the soft part of babies head when they are born before the skull is fully formed. The brahma is where energy comes into the system from the Divine.
On eitherside of the Susumna Nadi is Ida (terminates at the left nostril) and Pingala (terminates right nostril) and both orginate at the Mulhadhara region.
Ida and Pingala are the two extreme opposites we aim to balance in the body to enable the human soul to realise its purpose to merge with the higher source/supreme consciousness and frees itself from identificatiion in the body.
Ida - Chandra (moon), 'Tha' (dual energies in the HYP), parasympathetic nervous system, cooling, guna of tamas,
Pingala - Surya (sun), 'Ha (dual energies in the HYP), sympathetic nervous system, heating, guna of rajas,
Purpose of Ha Tha yoga is to bring the union of ida and pingala in sushumna which produces calm and balanced state.
There can be blocks called grunti's which affect the freeflow of prana through the nadis which are created by the malas/undigested impurities. Ida and pingala energy need to merge at the base of the spine for the prana to flow up the susumna nadi, the central channel. When this happens it creates a sattwic state, neither tamas or rajas, and this eventually leads to Samadhi.
Krishnamachrya interpretated kundalini as a coiled sleeping serpent, a latent energy at the base of the spine. We are attempting to awaken and unfurl the serpent to prevent the block of the flow of prana and increase sattwa. By shifting the serpent and awakening kundalini we open the susumna, we pull apana upwards shifting the malas into the agni and up through the cakras and master all the qualities/energy that are represented by each of these cakras.
The Kunda (coil shape)is made up of 3 1/3 coils which represents tamas, rajas and sattwa which equals our prakrti.
Jala / Amrta - nectar of mortality is constantly dripping downwards into fire but through techniques such as jalandhara bandha we contain and build up the amrta which helps longevity and health. This is why we focus our attention at ajna/frontal lobe. The crescent moon is also located here and the sun is located at the naval, we need a balance between fire and cool for the evolution of consciousness.
Cakras are energetic centres where there is increased activity, on a western medical science level these can roughly be correlated to where the nerves and endocrine glands which are essential for metabolism operate.
The first five cakras represent the 5 elements manifested
Mul (source) a dhara (foundation) - prakrti is also know as mulha, relates to element of Earth is dominant, grounding, heavy, region of the seat of the spine. The Bijar Mantra/seend sound is Lam /Lang
Svadhistana - asserts its own rule, reproduction, creativity. Relates to element Water. Bijar Mantra is Vam
Mani (jewel, something that shines) pura ka - Naval/solar plexus, sun, metabolism. Relates to element Fire. Bijar Mantra is Ram
Anahata - that which can be not be destroyed, the heart space is seed of soul, consciousness. The soul can not be destroyed. Relates to element Wind. Bijar Mantra is Yam
Vishuddhi - throat, that which is very pure, cakra which controls communication. Relates to the element Space. Bijar Mantra is Ham
Beyond the 5 elements there is beyond what we know, unmanifested, supreme consciousness:
Ajna (to know very well, to command)- cognition, associated with glands and brain function, indiviudal consciousness the Jiva - OM - primordial sound of creation which predates the Hindu symbol
Sahasrara (a thousand lotus petals) - unfolding of your potential, the pinnacle of your potential unfolds at the crown. Focusing on the central point gives us vision of other beings who are liberated and evolved. Associated with silence, it is beyond.
When you get control over the cakras you obtain certain siddhis and then eventually samadhi and liberation at braham.
There is a link between the dosas and the chakras but you need a deep and clear understanding of each of the ideas individually and then you can bring them together to be able to make diagnosis. My intital thoughts is that those suffering from excess Kapha are dominated by the lower chakras and need to focus on awakening higher chakras, excess Pitta may have overactive in Manipura which needs balancing and dominant Vata are open at Ajna but need to ground down in Mulhadhara to create harmony. I am certainly fascinated in delving deeper into this area and finding ways to apply in a pracital therapeutic way.
Asana and the Chakras
Traditionally meditation is on the chakras and the universal elements so when we want to deepen asana practise and its meditative quality we should be connected to the chakras and disect which chakras/nadis etc are activated what are you opening, closing, energising?. This develops through experience. For example:
When we raise on tip toes and bring arms up above the head on an inhalation this movement creates space and allows the chakras to align.
Adho mukha svanasana/downward dog we are harnessing the bottom 3 chakras
Urdhva mukha svanasana/upward dog opens heart Anahata Chakra and the throat Vishuddhi Chakra.
We can emphasise the awareness and connection to the chakras in the asana practise by chanting the bihar mantra of the main chakra in the asana for example:
Mulhadhara - Lam - Janu Sirsasana
Swadisthana - Vam - Baddha Konasana
Manipura - Ram - Navasana / Boat,
Anahata - Yam - Dhanurasana / Bow, Urdhva Dhanurasana / Full wheel
Vishuddhi - Ham - Sarvangasana / shoulderstand, Setu bandha sarvangasana / half bridge
Ajna - Aum - Sirsasana /headstand, Padmasana / lotus
We can focus our practise on a specific chakra and continue into a meditation on the specific centre.
Sitali krama Prannayama ( that which cools are system, to do with head/the moon, tamasic)
Sitali - rolled tongue, inhale through mouth as look up then apply jalandhara bhanda and exhale through partially closed nostrils or alternate
Sitkari - breathing in through teeth with jivra bandha (keeping tongue on upper palate - the seat of amrita to prevent the nectar flowing down). Good subsitute pranayama for those that can not roll their tongue to do Sitali.
In therapy cases can use Om on exhale as it is helpful for breathlessness and congestion, deviated septum etc
Candra bhedana - inhale - left nostril, exhale - right nostril - cooling aimed at reducing the affect of the sun and increasing the moon.
Cooling practises are affective after a rajasic asana practise, in the evening or if you feel agitated and hot.
Suddhi (to cleanse) karana Pranayama - Cleansing / Activating / Rajasic / Surya /Sun
Surya bhedana - inhale right nostril, exhale left - using the fire to cleanse the system, clear diseases of the digestive system
Nadi shodhana (cleanse and balance the whole system, alternate nostril breathing)
In (left nostril)
Ex (right nostril)
In (right)
ex (Left)
Use bandhas and chin lock to keep spine erect. Use partial nostril closing and can introduce inhale / exhale retention
Best pranayama for pregnant women is nadi shodhana
Ujjayi - cleansing the lungs and remove flem in the nadis. Energising,
Anuloma Ujjayi - Inhale through the throat and exhale through alternate nostrils.
Viloma - Inhale alternate nostril and exhale ujjayi
Prati (alternate) loma Ujjayi - requires attention and focus - Sattwa
In - ujjayi , Ex - left nostril, in - left nostril, Ex - ujjayi
In - ujjayi, Ex - right nostril, In - right, Ex - ujjayi
Anuloma Krama (krama = sequence)
Inhale, pause, inhale, pause, inhale, pause inhale(number depends on capacity
Exhale free
The pause
Viloma Krama
Inhale free
Exhale pause, exhale pause, exhale pause, exhale
Pratiloma Krama
Uses pauses on inhale and exhale, cleanses the whole system the mind.
In - pause, In - pause, In
Ex - pause, Ex - pause, Ex
When counting the pranayama rounds can use the segments on the fingers with the thumb making 12 in total, so you dont need to count consciously and have another focus.
These pranayama are tools which can implement according to what we need eg cooling, heating, sattwa balance etc.. Know yourself, create your practise accordingly.
Classification of Pranayama
Sitalikarana (activity process)
Brahmama - energinising, focus on inhale
Langhana - stop, focus on exhale
Samana - equal inhale and exhale
Sama Vrtti - inhale, inhale hold, and exhale, exhale hold, the active components are equal:
5 0 5 0
5 5 5 5
5 0 5 5
Visam Vrtti - componates of breath are not equal
5 0 10 0
8 4 10 4
Samatraka Pranayama - using chanting in pranayama, gayantri mantra represents the 7 worlds of dimensions that you transcend - om, bhur, buva, hah, svahah etc.. Chanting silently or aloud.
Sadhya (joining) Vandanam (praise)- ritual to the sun, supposed to do 3 times a day from age of 7 (morning before sunrise, midday/noon, evening before sunset) Classical practise consists of asanas, pranayama, nisyam but we have to accept that the concepts that we are studying are those given traditonally but not always those that we are practising today so we have to understand the ideas from our own experience.
Interpretation of the Yogic Texts
When we are breathing normally the breath flows through ida and pingala and dissipates through all the nerves in the body and we can not seperate or control each quality. Breathing naturally is inhale heating and exhale cooling but when we do pranayama we can control, seperate, direct and balance the qualities of ida (cooling) and pingala (heating). Directing prana into susumna through pranayama is for healthy, balanced mind and to move towards samadhi.
Yoga Sutras
III 26 Bhuvanjnamnm Surye (sun/light within you/allows growth) Samyamat
By reflecting on the sun you master the whole idea of universe.
How do we find the light within? If you look to the external sun then you may see that there are these qualities within you, you can only understand from your own perspective. The sun brings the light, energy which takes you into thinking beyond your own egotistical limited view as they get burnt away, removing your old samskaras/patterns.
III 27 Chandre - (moon) bhavyuhajnanam
Concentrating on the moon you have an idea of the arrangement of the stars and planetry alignment, which look haphazard on first glance but each have a very specific position which can be correlated to the anatomy of the human body.
III 28 Dhurve (north star/the nabi chakra/the source/it is like the north star which sailors follow/it is also close to heart which has all the light consciousness/what happens at the source affects your heart) tadgatijnaam
Ideas of astrology, reflecting on ida and pingala and then the susumna, reflecting on the human structure is reflecting on the universe we find the macrocosm in the microcosm and unite with all. Universe is kept together by energy, likewise we need the prana in the body flowing correctly to connect to the universe.
Ida and pingala are the dual opposites, male and female, shiva and shakti. If you ever feel deep depression remember everything you need is within you. When ida and pingala are harmonised in susumna we have clarity and are not pulled to one perspective or the other. The moon is the mind, full moon is clarity the waning is how mind shifts from emotion to emotion so fast and always in flow.
Nadis - Na = to move
The Nadis are very subtle/conceptual we can't see or feel them. There are several theories on the number of nadis in the body, some say 72,000, some 72,000 on each side of body, some 101 each with 101. But whats important is that the nadis are symbolic of how prana is transmitted around the body.
14 main Nadis (Texts vary but the nadis originate around the abdomen /mulha dhara region and they each branch off from there).
Susumna (runs along the mehradanda - most important Nadi)
Sarasvati - tongue
Pusa - right eye
Gandhari - left eye
Sankhini - left ear
Tapasvini - right ear
Vismodasa - mid stomach
Alabusa & Kuhu - genitals
Hastijhva - right big toe
Yalasvinu - left big toe
Three most important nadis are Sushumna, Ida and Pingala:
Sushumna (HYP Chapter 3 verse 4 sometimes referred to as Brahma nadi, central path, burning ground etc)-the central column where energy is channeled. The majority of the texts state that it runs inside the spinal cord, from a western perspective the spinal cord runs to the brain and from the cocyx to the top of the spine. Sushumna is believed to have three finer nadis running within it:
Vajrini / Vajra
Citrini / Citra
Brahmanadi - path to brahma, top of the head is known as the brahmandhara - the opening of the brahma - it corresponds to the soft part of babies head when they are born before the skull is fully formed. The brahma is where energy comes into the system from the Divine.
On eitherside of the Susumna Nadi is Ida (terminates at the left nostril) and Pingala (terminates right nostril) and both orginate at the Mulhadhara region.
Ida and Pingala are the two extreme opposites we aim to balance in the body to enable the human soul to realise its purpose to merge with the higher source/supreme consciousness and frees itself from identificatiion in the body.
Ida - Chandra (moon), 'Tha' (dual energies in the HYP), parasympathetic nervous system, cooling, guna of tamas,
Pingala - Surya (sun), 'Ha (dual energies in the HYP), sympathetic nervous system, heating, guna of rajas,
Purpose of Ha Tha yoga is to bring the union of ida and pingala in sushumna which produces calm and balanced state.
There can be blocks called grunti's which affect the freeflow of prana through the nadis which are created by the malas/undigested impurities. Ida and pingala energy need to merge at the base of the spine for the prana to flow up the susumna nadi, the central channel. When this happens it creates a sattwic state, neither tamas or rajas, and this eventually leads to Samadhi.
Krishnamachrya interpretated kundalini as a coiled sleeping serpent, a latent energy at the base of the spine. We are attempting to awaken and unfurl the serpent to prevent the block of the flow of prana and increase sattwa. By shifting the serpent and awakening kundalini we open the susumna, we pull apana upwards shifting the malas into the agni and up through the cakras and master all the qualities/energy that are represented by each of these cakras.
The Kunda (coil shape)is made up of 3 1/3 coils which represents tamas, rajas and sattwa which equals our prakrti.
Jala / Amrta - nectar of mortality is constantly dripping downwards into fire but through techniques such as jalandhara bandha we contain and build up the amrta which helps longevity and health. This is why we focus our attention at ajna/frontal lobe. The crescent moon is also located here and the sun is located at the naval, we need a balance between fire and cool for the evolution of consciousness.
Cakras are energetic centres where there is increased activity, on a western medical science level these can roughly be correlated to where the nerves and endocrine glands which are essential for metabolism operate.
The first five cakras represent the 5 elements manifested
Mul (source) a dhara (foundation) - prakrti is also know as mulha, relates to element of Earth is dominant, grounding, heavy, region of the seat of the spine. The Bijar Mantra/seend sound is Lam /Lang
Svadhistana - asserts its own rule, reproduction, creativity. Relates to element Water. Bijar Mantra is Vam
Mani (jewel, something that shines) pura ka - Naval/solar plexus, sun, metabolism. Relates to element Fire. Bijar Mantra is Ram
Anahata - that which can be not be destroyed, the heart space is seed of soul, consciousness. The soul can not be destroyed. Relates to element Wind. Bijar Mantra is Yam
Vishuddhi - throat, that which is very pure, cakra which controls communication. Relates to the element Space. Bijar Mantra is Ham
Beyond the 5 elements there is beyond what we know, unmanifested, supreme consciousness:
Ajna (to know very well, to command)- cognition, associated with glands and brain function, indiviudal consciousness the Jiva - OM - primordial sound of creation which predates the Hindu symbol
Sahasrara (a thousand lotus petals) - unfolding of your potential, the pinnacle of your potential unfolds at the crown. Focusing on the central point gives us vision of other beings who are liberated and evolved. Associated with silence, it is beyond.
When you get control over the cakras you obtain certain siddhis and then eventually samadhi and liberation at braham.
There is a link between the dosas and the chakras but you need a deep and clear understanding of each of the ideas individually and then you can bring them together to be able to make diagnosis. My intital thoughts is that those suffering from excess Kapha are dominated by the lower chakras and need to focus on awakening higher chakras, excess Pitta may have overactive in Manipura which needs balancing and dominant Vata are open at Ajna but need to ground down in Mulhadhara to create harmony. I am certainly fascinated in delving deeper into this area and finding ways to apply in a pracital therapeutic way.
Asana and the Chakras
Traditionally meditation is on the chakras and the universal elements so when we want to deepen asana practise and its meditative quality we should be connected to the chakras and disect which chakras/nadis etc are activated what are you opening, closing, energising?. This develops through experience. For example:
When we raise on tip toes and bring arms up above the head on an inhalation this movement creates space and allows the chakras to align.
Adho mukha svanasana/downward dog we are harnessing the bottom 3 chakras
Urdhva mukha svanasana/upward dog opens heart Anahata Chakra and the throat Vishuddhi Chakra.
We can emphasise the awareness and connection to the chakras in the asana practise by chanting the bihar mantra of the main chakra in the asana for example:
Mulhadhara - Lam - Janu Sirsasana
Swadisthana - Vam - Baddha Konasana
Manipura - Ram - Navasana / Boat,
Anahata - Yam - Dhanurasana / Bow, Urdhva Dhanurasana / Full wheel
Vishuddhi - Ham - Sarvangasana / shoulderstand, Setu bandha sarvangasana / half bridge
Ajna - Aum - Sirsasana /headstand, Padmasana / lotus
We can focus our practise on a specific chakra and continue into a meditation on the specific centre.
Sitali krama Prannayama ( that which cools are system, to do with head/the moon, tamasic)
Sitali - rolled tongue, inhale through mouth as look up then apply jalandhara bhanda and exhale through partially closed nostrils or alternate
Sitkari - breathing in through teeth with jivra bandha (keeping tongue on upper palate - the seat of amrita to prevent the nectar flowing down). Good subsitute pranayama for those that can not roll their tongue to do Sitali.
In therapy cases can use Om on exhale as it is helpful for breathlessness and congestion, deviated septum etc
Candra bhedana - inhale - left nostril, exhale - right nostril - cooling aimed at reducing the affect of the sun and increasing the moon.
Cooling practises are affective after a rajasic asana practise, in the evening or if you feel agitated and hot.
Suddhi (to cleanse) karana Pranayama - Cleansing / Activating / Rajasic / Surya /Sun
Surya bhedana - inhale right nostril, exhale left - using the fire to cleanse the system, clear diseases of the digestive system
Nadi shodhana (cleanse and balance the whole system, alternate nostril breathing)
In (left nostril)
Ex (right nostril)
In (right)
ex (Left)
Use bandhas and chin lock to keep spine erect. Use partial nostril closing and can introduce inhale / exhale retention
Best pranayama for pregnant women is nadi shodhana
Ujjayi - cleansing the lungs and remove flem in the nadis. Energising,
Anuloma Ujjayi - Inhale through the throat and exhale through alternate nostrils.
Viloma - Inhale alternate nostril and exhale ujjayi
Prati (alternate) loma Ujjayi - requires attention and focus - Sattwa
In - ujjayi , Ex - left nostril, in - left nostril, Ex - ujjayi
In - ujjayi, Ex - right nostril, In - right, Ex - ujjayi
Anuloma Krama (krama = sequence)
Inhale, pause, inhale, pause, inhale, pause inhale(number depends on capacity
Exhale free
The pause
Viloma Krama
Inhale free
Exhale pause, exhale pause, exhale pause, exhale
Pratiloma Krama
Uses pauses on inhale and exhale, cleanses the whole system the mind.
In - pause, In - pause, In
Ex - pause, Ex - pause, Ex
When counting the pranayama rounds can use the segments on the fingers with the thumb making 12 in total, so you dont need to count consciously and have another focus.
These pranayama are tools which can implement according to what we need eg cooling, heating, sattwa balance etc.. Know yourself, create your practise accordingly.
Classification of Pranayama
Sitalikarana (activity process)
Brahmama - energinising, focus on inhale
Langhana - stop, focus on exhale
Samana - equal inhale and exhale
Sama Vrtti - inhale, inhale hold, and exhale, exhale hold, the active components are equal:
5 0 5 0
5 5 5 5
5 0 5 5
Visam Vrtti - componates of breath are not equal
5 0 10 0
8 4 10 4
Samatraka Pranayama - using chanting in pranayama, gayantri mantra represents the 7 worlds of dimensions that you transcend - om, bhur, buva, hah, svahah etc.. Chanting silently or aloud.
Sadhya (joining) Vandanam (praise)- ritual to the sun, supposed to do 3 times a day from age of 7 (morning before sunrise, midday/noon, evening before sunset) Classical practise consists of asanas, pranayama, nisyam but we have to accept that the concepts that we are studying are those given traditonally but not always those that we are practising today so we have to understand the ideas from our own experience.
Interpretation of the Yogic Texts
When we are breathing normally the breath flows through ida and pingala and dissipates through all the nerves in the body and we can not seperate or control each quality. Breathing naturally is inhale heating and exhale cooling but when we do pranayama we can control, seperate, direct and balance the qualities of ida (cooling) and pingala (heating). Directing prana into susumna through pranayama is for healthy, balanced mind and to move towards samadhi.
Yoga Sutras
III 26 Bhuvanjnamnm Surye (sun/light within you/allows growth) Samyamat
By reflecting on the sun you master the whole idea of universe.
How do we find the light within? If you look to the external sun then you may see that there are these qualities within you, you can only understand from your own perspective. The sun brings the light, energy which takes you into thinking beyond your own egotistical limited view as they get burnt away, removing your old samskaras/patterns.
III 27 Chandre - (moon) bhavyuhajnanam
Concentrating on the moon you have an idea of the arrangement of the stars and planetry alignment, which look haphazard on first glance but each have a very specific position which can be correlated to the anatomy of the human body.
III 28 Dhurve (north star/the nabi chakra/the source/it is like the north star which sailors follow/it is also close to heart which has all the light consciousness/what happens at the source affects your heart) tadgatijnaam
Ideas of astrology, reflecting on ida and pingala and then the susumna, reflecting on the human structure is reflecting on the universe we find the macrocosm in the microcosm and unite with all. Universe is kept together by energy, likewise we need the prana in the body flowing correctly to connect to the universe.
Ida and pingala are the dual opposites, male and female, shiva and shakti. If you ever feel deep depression remember everything you need is within you. When ida and pingala are harmonised in susumna we have clarity and are not pulled to one perspective or the other. The moon is the mind, full moon is clarity the waning is how mind shifts from emotion to emotion so fast and always in flow.
Amazing blog posted.