When people ask me why I’m a vegetarian I just say that I don’t fancy eating meat and fish anymore. Yes that is true, it wasn’t a conscious decision to stop eating meat and fish for a specific ethical reason I just desired it less and less until I didn’t want animal flesh in my body. But the real reasons for being vegetarian go deeper and its part of my practices for spiritual evolution.
Through practicing yoga we aim to travel through the five koshas/sheaths of the body; these are energetic layers which like lampshades dampen our pure inner light, our soul known as Atman. On the yogic journey of self-realisation we progressively dive inwards through the koshas right to the centre of who we really are and to experience the purity at the eternal centre of consciousness and reach our highest potential.
The outer layer is Annamaya Kosha which relates to our physical body and the notion that we are what we eat. When we live predominantly in this kosha we are focused on identifying and defining ourselves by our physical body – fat, bones, hair, skin, nails etc – rather than celebrating our true self and the Divine. Through practising asana (the physical yoga postures) we connect and refine the Annamaya Kosha, lightening the body and becoming increasingly aware of the affects of what we eat and drink and preparing us physically for meditation where we can transcend through the inner koshas.
Eating animal and fish flesh seemed to slow me down, make me feel groggy and prevent the free flow of prana our life force. It’s not really surprising as meat is denser and takes longer for the body to digest than vegetables and fruit. By cutting out flesh I feel more energised, spiritually connected and in tune with my body.
In a yoga class yesterday the teacher shared her strong views on how as yogis we shouldn’t eat meat because our bodies only digest 10% off it and the rest goes to waste. And because when animals are slaughtered they are full of fear and aggression and these enzymes are shot into their muscle tissue which remains in the meat until its consumed having karmic affects and releasing these negative emotions. I did find this interesting but I think it made me realise that I strongly believe in the freedom of personal choice and that different people have different needs and that as teachers we should give people space to interpret the information we provide and be their own teachers.
So yes I’ve shared my thoughts on vegetarianism but don’t worry I’m not dogmatic and would never ever judge anyone for what they choose to eat, especially if they did so mindfully. This is just my personal experience right now, and as with everything this may change.
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