Maha Shivarati 'the great night of Shiva' is a celebration observed by Hindus, particularly Shaivites who are dedicated devotees to Lord Shiva. Each new moon is dedicated to Shiva but this specific festival falls on the 13th night/14th day during the dark waning moon of the month of Maagha or Phalguna in the Hindu calendar and this year on Monday 20th February. The celebration marks the night Shiva, the revered Lord of the Yogis and there is great tales of Hindu mythology attached to the festival.
A popular legend is that is the wedding day Shiva and Goddess Parvati, in the eternal union of Shiva and Shakti and when Shiva revealed himself as Lord of the Dance Nataraja performing the Tandava; the cosmic dance of the cycle of creation, preservation and primordial conception.
The celebrations include offerings to Lord Shiva, worship and ritual bathing of the phallic symbol Shiva Lingam, fasting for duration of day and night and staying up all night keeping vigil while chanting devotional mantras. Shivrati is considered especially auspicious for women, with married women praying for the good health and fortune for their husbands and sons and single women praying for a partner who embodies the characteristics of Shiva (yes please!). It is believed that when you utter the name of Shiva during this special time with pure devotion then you will be freed from all sins and will be rewarded with divine bliss, samadhi.
I would have loved to have been back in India to experience the festival but I am in Borneo for the last leg of trip before I return to India to settle into deeper studies. For the night of Maha Shivarati I will be attempting to climb and summit South East Asia's highest mountain Mount Kinabalu. Although I won't be able to honour a fast as I need all the energy I can get I will use the trek as an act of pilgrimage as I will be trekking through the night chanting the sacred mantra Om Namah Shivaya.
I have always fond something magical about staying up all night and watching the sunrise, like a dawning of a new perspective and higher consciousness which comes from preventing yourself from sleeping/losing consciousness. At the top I will meditate as the sunrises offering my practise in honour of the great Lord Shiva.
I that am Shiva
Shiva I am
A popular legend is that is the wedding day Shiva and Goddess Parvati, in the eternal union of Shiva and Shakti and when Shiva revealed himself as Lord of the Dance Nataraja performing the Tandava; the cosmic dance of the cycle of creation, preservation and primordial conception.
The celebrations include offerings to Lord Shiva, worship and ritual bathing of the phallic symbol Shiva Lingam, fasting for duration of day and night and staying up all night keeping vigil while chanting devotional mantras. Shivrati is considered especially auspicious for women, with married women praying for the good health and fortune for their husbands and sons and single women praying for a partner who embodies the characteristics of Shiva (yes please!). It is believed that when you utter the name of Shiva during this special time with pure devotion then you will be freed from all sins and will be rewarded with divine bliss, samadhi.
I would have loved to have been back in India to experience the festival but I am in Borneo for the last leg of trip before I return to India to settle into deeper studies. For the night of Maha Shivarati I will be attempting to climb and summit South East Asia's highest mountain Mount Kinabalu. Although I won't be able to honour a fast as I need all the energy I can get I will use the trek as an act of pilgrimage as I will be trekking through the night chanting the sacred mantra Om Namah Shivaya.
I have always fond something magical about staying up all night and watching the sunrise, like a dawning of a new perspective and higher consciousness which comes from preventing yourself from sleeping/losing consciousness. At the top I will meditate as the sunrises offering my practise in honour of the great Lord Shiva.
I that am Shiva
Shiva I am
I am that which prevails everywhere, complete in itself. I am Shiva; the deity of eternal bliss